
Legacy. Innovation. HUnger.

Church planting is nuanced in different areas. We are looking at places that could be viable. We’re focusing on where a new Episcopal Church could grow.
We’re asking, “How does it reflect the beloved community? How are we following the spiritual hunger and not just throwing it out there?”
Instead of just following the money, you are following the relationship. We look at leadership in a church planter in new ways as we seek resilience and adaptability.
This innovation work is also connected to the broader national conversation on new Episcopal communities.
It’s not the “build it, and they’ll come” model. It’s building relationships and letting the community decide how the Episcopal Church can show up. It can be dinner churches, wild churches, or small groups that could have a season. It can be an affinity group, like a community garden. It can be a new Episcopal church plant community. These are some ways that the Episcopal Church can show up.

recent posts

  • Invisibility and Embrace

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  • All Creation Episcopal Community

    The Story So Far By guest blogger, Father Michael Tigner Though we are just beginning to roll out All Creation in Grove City, Ohio, you could say that the work began around 24 years ago, in what was the Bishop’s Center at Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbus. In was part of a pilot for what…


  • Courageous Curiosity

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  • Visio Divina: Sacred Seeing

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More . . .

  • Sacramental Encounter

    New Year Sunday morning and the first sacramental moment that a woman with dementia craves: coffee and pastry, of course. Taking a Sunday sabbatical from my parish, I spent my worship serving my mother-in-law. So, I spoke a Collect and blessed this moment as holy, where two or more are gathered around coffee and scone.…


  • An Invocation for a Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Gathering

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About Me

Fr. Joseph Kovitch

Father Joe is the Missioner for New Episcopal Communities in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio. This Blog celebrates the stories, learnings, and ideas of those practitioners and communities seeking church vitality and revitalization in new and imaginative ways. New Episcopal Communities are founded in new church planting, small mission stations/outposts, and parish redevelopment and reimagining.